Consultancy in Sustainable Technological Innovation

Our DNA is about transforming energy, ideas and dreams to guarantee a better future for generations to come.

About us

We are a Spanish consultancy firm with over 30 years’ history dedicated to promoting the creation of new strategic businesses related to technological innovations.

Committed to the use of renewable, clean technologies:

 Our growth is based on a commitment to use renewable/clean technologies with electrical and hydraulic installations that act as an environmental protection mechanism.

30 years of experience

Pursuit of maritime decarbonisation:

One of our main goals is to promote maritime decarbonisation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This entails adopting cleaner, more sustainable technologies and practices to power ships – such as the use of alternative fuels, route optimisation and improved energy efficiency.

Más de 30 años de experiencia

Our brands

Head Up is the leader of the group formed by Solem, Protecnavi, Disolter and Insprored, a conglomerate of companies working mainly in the shipbuilding and industrial sectors.


Execution of electrical projects and assemblies. Present in shipbuilding and industrial sectors.


Piping installation, installation of modular systems and manufacturing of special products for the shipbuilding and industrial sectors.


State-of-the-art solutions in civil and industrial pipework systems throughout the Iberian Peninsula.


ITC sector solutions in installation of third-party systems, design of computer networks and information and entertainment systems.


Consultancy and project analysis providing advice and guidance to companies or organisations for the shipbuilding and industrial sectors.

New technologies

Desarrollo energético Head Up
Energy development
Desarrollo tecnológico en Head Up
Technological development
Nuestros partners
Our partners
Adoption of cleaner technologies and practices

Benefits of working with us
